Nothing too exciting has happened here lately, so thats why I havent posted in a couple weeks. School has been alright, we have finals in 2 weeks, so I am kinda stressed about that, but I think I will do alright in everything. Also, I got my classes for next semester. I am taking U.S. History up till 1877, Public Speaking, American Politics and Evolution and Human Emergence. So I am pretty excited about that.
I got my Warped Tour ticket, and I can't wait for that. It should be lots of fun! I also got my plane tickets for my summer trip to Utah I will be there May 24th to June 14th. So I will be having my birthday there, so hopefully that will be fun. I will also be there for one of my friends graduation. Then I will get back here, probably party hard for 2 weeks here, go to Las Cruces for a week or so for warped tour and party double hard there and then get serious about getting a job in July and tone down the partying and such.
Um... I've been kinda depressed for the past week or so. Nothing too major, I have just felt like shit. I am gonna spend the day with my boyfriend today, so hopefully that will cheer me up. I do think I will end it with him the week or so before I go to Utah though. He is sweet, but we just arent compatible and I kinda wanna be single over the summer anyways. I think it will be harder than I am expecting to end it with him, but I feel like if I dont just tell him I will end up cheating, telling him and then having a much nastier break up. I wanna end it on good terms.
I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna dye my hair purple before I go to Utah, and I will probably keep it like that for a month or so before I go back to blond.
I have kept up with working out 3 or 4 times a week for the mot part. its nothing too serious, but I definitely wanna lose 10 pounds or so.
Well, thats about it.
Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit Wajah Wanita
Kulit yang sehat merupakan salah satu dambaan semua orang, terutama wanita.
Karena kulit yang sehat dapat menunjang penampilan dan menambah rasa
percaya ...
4 years ago
The end of the freshman year. I remember mine. It's cool that you feel good about the exams, I know I went bonkers for days leading up to them, and for awhile after that waiting on the grades. Dean's List, so I was happy. Good luck with yours.
ReplyDeleteAll the travel sounds great, and the tour should be a wonderful time.
It's tough to break up with a bf...unless the relationship has deteriorated into a morass of gloom. But perhaps you're right in ending it now, and you're definitely right to end it on a happy note. You'll be back in July, who knows what might happen then.
Love to see you in purple, make sure you post a pic!
Peace <3